Monday, September 16, 2013

Buzzards and Minimalist Shoes

people often ask what do I think about when I am out running for even an hour (never mind the 4 hour plus bike rides). I think about all kinds of things, from the guy I met once sending me shirtless selfies (come on man, you are too old for that at 46 - besides, not even Clooney looks hot in a close up of his abs anymore), to how much I miss having a pool and how good for the soul it is to be able to come home from a hot ride or run and do a flip of the diving board into the pool and float, even if just for 4 minutes, it is sheer bliss. I also wonder things like, hmm, I wonder how I get up to the neighborhood with that house overlooking the road, to, ack! look at those buzzards beside the road. They are really close to where I am going to ride. Do buzzards attack? What if I get too close to them, will they see it as a sign of aggression? Oh the things contemplated on a long bike ride.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

....and two year's later

well, more than two years later, a return to the blog. I am happy to say I did it! I did an Ironman! IMAZ on 11/20/2011. A lot has happened since then, but first jumping forward to today, 08/24/13. Full into training for Ironman Florida. As I stay abreast of that quest, I will throw in stories about the last two years, including bike crashes, race wins, and a lot of miles.