Friday, May 9, 2014

Swim lessons?

Finally, after all these years of very bad swims, and being DQed from races because of swim times, I decided a swim lesson would be a good idea. I learned how to swim by taking two weeks of lessons in second grade (I remember so well the smell of the pool and the high schooler who was the teacher teaching me how to do the prone glide). We never got beyond the prone glide, this back float stroke that is kind of like a frog move, and holding onto the side of the pool to kick. the point of the class was to be sure we all knew how to swim well enough to not drown. I have not drowned yet, but I always fear it will happen. So I saw this little advert for a swim clinic at the Y. I was so excited at that first lesson because they identified issues with my stroke that were easy fixes and I thought would equal instant speed. It didn't. Rats. I guess that means I really need to just get going to the gym regularly. While everyone will tell you swimming is about technique, the reality, swimming is like the other two disciplines - you don't get better by avoiding it. Double rats. I. must. start. swimming. regularly. next week

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